Latest Publications
Sanz Gimeno, A., & Iglesias Blanco, J. (2022). La población infantil y adolescente en España. Dinámicas demográficas recientes. Política y Sociedad, 59(3), e79877.
Albert Esteve, Teresa Castro-Martín, Andrés Felipe Castro Torres (2022). Families in Latin America: Trends, Singularities, and Contextual Factors. Annual Review of Sociology 48: 485-505.
Teresa Castro-Martín, Teresa Martín-García, Marta Seiz, Julia Cordero (2022). El desafío de la muy baja fecundidad en España ¿Qué políticas sociales serían deseables? Informe sobre la Democracia en España 2021. Fundación Alternativas.
Teresa Martín-García, Marta Seiz, Teresa Castro-Martín (2022). Ideals and norms related to fatherhood in Europe: A comparative perspective from the European Social Survey. Journal of Family Research
M. Pilar Montero López (Correspondence Author), Ana I. Mora-Urda, Francisco Javier Martín Almena, Óscar Geovanny Enríquez Martínez. Changes in eating behaviors during the COVID-19 lockdown and the impact on the potential inflammatory effects of diet. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022). 19, 9079. Q1.
M. Pilar Montero López (Correspondence Author), Ana I. Mora-Urda, Francisco Javier Martín Almena, M Carmen Bisi Molina. Current and past factors affecting the quality of aging in a sample of Spanish elderly. Journal of Biosocial Sciences (2022). Published online by Cambridge University Press. Q2.
Oscar G.E. Martinez, Marcia C.T. Martins, Taisa S.S. Pereira, Sandaly O.S. Pacheco, Fabio J. Pacheco, Karen V. Lopez, Salomon Huancahuire-Vega, Daniela A. Silva, Ana I. Mora-Urda, Mery R. Vásquez, M. Pilar Montero López (Correspondence Author), Maria C.B. Molina. .Diet and lifestyle changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibero-American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Spain. Frontiers in Nutrition (2021). 8. https://doi:10.3389/fnut.2021.671004. FI (JCR): 3,365. Q2.
Oussama El Mokhtari, Karim Anzid, Susan Levy-Desroches , M Pilar Montero Lopez, Mohamed Cherkaoui and Abderraouf Hilali. Inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals 2 among high-school pupils in the Moroccan Rif region. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism (2022) DOI:10.3233/MNM-211509. (In press).
REQUENA, Miguel, REHER, David, & SANZ-GIMENO, Alberto (2022). Fertility and contraception: the experience of Spanish women born in the first half of the twentieth century. Population Studies,
Requena, Miguel (2022). El futuro previsible de la educación infantil en España. En Manuel T. VALDÉS & Miguel Ángel SANCHO GARGALLO (Eds.), Indicadores comentados sobre el estado del sistema educativo español 2022. Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces y Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación, pp. 71-77.
Requena, Miguel & Salazar, Leire (2022). La igualdad pendiente: persistencia de la desigualdad de oportunidades tras la expansión educativa. En Luis AYALA (Coord.) Desigualdad y pacto social. Barcelona: El Observatorio Social de la Fundación “la Caixa”, pp. 76-92.
Requena, Miguel (2022). ¿Por qué España es un país sin niños? The Objective, 18/06/2022.
Apascaritei, Paula, Simona Demel & Jonas Radl (2021): “The Difference Between Saying and Doing: Comparing Subjective and Objective Measures of Effort Among Fifth Graders”, American Behavioral Scientist, Published online March 3, 2021.
Castro Martín, T; Martín-García, T; Cordero, J.; Seiz, M. y Suero, C. (2021):Las causas de la muy baja fecundidad en la España actual. En Isidro Dubert y Antía Pérez Caramés (Coords.) Invasión migratoria y envejecimiento demográfico. Dos mitos contemporáneos. Madrid: La Catarata.
Tara Koster, Teresa Castro-Martín (2021). Are separated fathers less or more involved in childrearing than partnered fathers? European Journal of Population 37: 933–957.
Martín-García, T. y Castro-Martín, T. (2021): Así es el nuevo mercado matrimonial en España: si quieres pareja, ocúpate de cuidar. Agencia de noticias de ciencia SINC.
M. Pilar Montero López (Correspondence Author), Oscar G.E. Martinez, Marcia C.T. Martins, Taisa S.S. Pereira, Sandaly O.S. Pacheco, Fabio J. Pacheco, Karen V. Lopez, Salomon Huancahuire-Vega, Daniela A. Silva, Ana I. Mora-Urda, Mery R. Vásquez, , Maria C.B. Molina. (2021): Diet and lifestyle changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibero-American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Spain. Frontiers in Nutrition,
Radl, Jonas & Luis Miller (2021): “Conceptual and Methodological Considerations on Effort: An Interdisciplinary Approach”, American Behavioral Scientist, Published online March 1, 2021.
Requena, Miguel (2021): Censos de población, datos vinculados y el futuro de la investigación social. Revista Internacional de Sociología, 79.
Reher, D., Requena, M., Sánchez-Domínguez, M., Sanz Gimeno, A. & Nieves Pombo (2021): "A survey of baby booms and busts in 20th century Spain", Demographic Research, Published online December 7, 2021.
Requena, M. & Reher, D. (2021): Partnership and mortality in mid and late life: protection or selection?, Social Science and Medicine.
Reher, D., Requena, M., Sánchez-Domínguez, M., Sanz Gimeno, A. & Nieves Pombo (2021): "A survey of baby booms and busts in 20th century Spain", Demographic Research, Published online December 7, 2021.
Stanek, Mikolaj, Requena, Miguel & del Rey, Alberto (2021). Impact of Socio-economic Status on Low Birthweight: Decomposing the Differences between Natives and Immigrants in Spain, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 23: 71–78.
Zamora López, F., Cámara Izquierdo, N., Sousa Gomes, M.C. et Pimentel, D. (2021). Migrations internationales légales en Espagne et Portugal avant et après la crise de 2008, in Populations et crises en Méditerranée. Coordonné par Bellis, G., Carella, M., Léger, J.F. et Parant, A. Franco Angeli Edizioni. Milano.
Acevedo Cantero, Paula; Mora Urda, Ana Isabel; Montero López, María Pilar (2020). Social inequalities in health: duration of unemployment unevenly effects on the health of men and women. European Journal of Public Health. 1;30(2):305-310.
Castro-Martín, T., Martín-García, T., Cordero, J. y Seiz, M. (2020). La muy baja fecundidad en España: La brecha entre deseos y realidades. Dossieres EsF nº 36, Invierno 2020. Demografía: Cambios en el modelo reproductivo. Economistas sin Fronteras (pp. 8-13)
El Mokhtari, Oussamaa ; Anzid, Karim ; Hilali, Abderraouf ; Cherkaoui, Mohamed; Mora-Urda, Ana Isabel ; Montero-López, María del Pilar ; Levy-Desroches, Susan. 2020. Impact of migration on dietary patterns and adherence to the Mediterranean diet among Northern Moroccan migrant adolescents in Madrid (Spain). Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 13 (2): 135-148.
Laplante,Benoît, Castro Martin,Teresa, Clara Cortina, Clara and Fostik, Ana Laura (2020). Unmarried cohabitation and its fertility in Ireland: Towards post-Catholic family dynamics? Irish Journal of Sociology 28(1): 5–28.
Pardo, Ignacio, Martín-García, Teresa, Castro-Martín, Teresa and Cabella Wanda (2020). Fatherhood after union breakup in Uruguay: Transitory or life-long commitment? Journal of Family Issues 41(6): 784–807.
Reher, David & Requena, Miguel (2020). Revisiting mid-twentieth century fertility shifts from a global perspective. Population Studies, 74(3): 299-314.
Reher, David, Miguel Requena, Gustavo de Santis, Albert Esteve, Massimo Livi- Bacci, Mojgan Padyab & Glenn Sandström (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic in an Aging World. SocArXiv. April 18.
Reher, David & Requena, Miguel (2020). Long-term Trends in Living Alone in Later Life in the United States, 1850-2015, The History of the Family, 25:3, 455-483,
Requena, Miguel (2020) Economic and Social Changes Since the Restoration of Democracy. En Diego Muro & Ignacio Lago (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 100-115.
Requena, Miguel & Reher, David (2020). Residential status and health in middle and late life. A population-based study with new data from Spain, British Medical Journal Open; 10:e033330. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033330.
Salazar, Leire, Héctor Cebolla-Boado & Jonas Radl (2020): “Educational Expectations in the Great Recession: Has the Impact of Family Background Become Stronger?”, Socio-Economic Review, 18(2): 465–491.
Sanz Gimeno, A. (2020). Situación demográfica de la infancia y la adolescencia actual. Una visión mundial. Sociedad e Infancias, 4, 5–21. Retrieved from
Stanek, Mikolaj, Requena, Miguel & del Rey, Alberto & García-Gómez, Jesús (2020). Beyond the healthy immigrant paradox: decomposing differences in birthweight among immigrants in Spain. Globalization and Health, 24;16(1):87
Zamora López, F. y Rodríguez Veiga, C. (2020). “Del hijo único al segundo hijo: políticas demográficas en China y sus consecuencias sobre la población”. Revista Española de Investigación Sociológica, nº172. Páginas 140-160.
Lössbroek, Jelle & Jonas Radl (2019): “Teaching older workers new tricks. Workplace practices and gender training differences in nine European countries”, Ageing & Society, 39(10): 2170-2193.
Martín, Teresa, Castro, Teresa, Cordero, Julia y Seiz, Marta (2019) ¿Se puede revertir la muy baja fecundidad en España? Agenda Pública.
Teresa Castro Martín (2019). Maternidad(es) en el siglo XXI: Una mirada desde la Demografía. En María Paz García Rubio (Dir.), Mujer, Maternidad y Derecho. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch. Pp. 19–52.
Mora-Urda, A.I., Acevedo, P., & Montero López, M. 2019. Relationship between prenatal and postnatal conditions and accelerated postnatal growth. Impact on the rigidity of the arterial wall and obesity in childhood. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 10(4), 436-446.
Padyab, Mojgan, Reher, David, Requena, Miguel & SANDSTRÖM, Glenn (2019) Going it alone in later life: a comparative analysis of elderly women in Sweden and Spain, Journal of Family Issues, 40(8), 1038-1064.
Reher, David & Requena, Miguel (2019) Childlessness in 20th Century Spain: A Cohort Analysis for Women Born 1920-1969, European Journal of Population, 35(1), 133–160, doi: 10.1007/s10680-018-9471-7.
Requena, Miguel, Reher, David, PADYAB, Mojgan & SANDSTRÖM, Glenn (2019) Women Living Alone in Later Life. A Multi-Country Comparative Analysis, Population, Space and Place, 25e:2269.
Stanek, Mikolaj & Requena, Miguel (2019). Working apart together: The impact of immigration on Spanish class structure, Migration Letters, 16(3), 441–449. doi:
Stanek Mikolaj & Requena, Miguel (2019). Immigration and Social Class Identity: The Case of Spain. En Łukasz Krzyżowski, Katarzyna Leszczyńska, Maria Szmeja Wyobrażone, przeżyte, przedstawione. Księga jubileuszowa dla profesora Janusza Muchy, Cracovia: Nomos, pp. 138-150.
Stanek, Mikolaj & Requena, Miguel (2019) Expected Lifetime in Different Employment Statuses: Evidence from the Economic Boom-and-Bust Cycle in Spain, Research on Aging, 41(3), 286–309.
Before 2019
Mora-Urda AI, Pereira R, Bisi Molina MC, Bresciani Salaroli L, Montero López MP. (2015). Relación entre patrones de lactancia materna y tensión arterial en escolares brasileños y españoles. Nutrición Hospitalaria. 32(4):1568-1575.
Pérez Moreda, V., Reher, D.-S., & Sanz Gimeno, A. (2015). La conquista de la salud. Mortalidad y modernización en la España contemporánea. Marcial Pons Historia. Madrid: Marcial Pons, [Premio Jaume Vicens Vives al mejor libro de Historia Económica de la Asociación Española de Historica Económica - 2016].
Acevedo, P., Mora-Urda, A. I., del Pilar Montero, M., Cabañas, M. D., Prado, C., & Marrodán, M. D. (2017). ¿Disminuye el exceso ponderal en la población adulta? Contraste entre las Encuestas Europeas de Salud en España de 2009 y 2014. Revista Española de Cardiología. 70(10):875-6.
Reher, D. S., Sandström, G., Sanz-Gimeno, A., & van Poppel, F. W. A. (2017). Agency in fertility decisions in Western Europe during the demographic transition: A comparative perspective. Demography, 54(1), 3–22. Retrieved from
Zamora López, F., Cámara, N., Barrios, L., Parant, A. et Delgado, M. (2017). “Demographic Transitions, Ageing and "the great recession" in Spain”, in Ageing, Lifestyles and Economic Crisis: The New People of the Mediterranean. Edited by Blöss, T. Routledge.
Zamora López, F., Barrios, L., Lebrusan, I., Parant, A. et Delgado, M. (2017). “Households of the Elderly in Spain: Between Solitude and Family Solidarities”, in Ageing, Lifestyles and Economic Crisis: The New People of the Mediterranean. Edited by Blöss, T. Routledge.
Castro-Martín, T., Martín-García, T., Cordero, J. y Seiz, M. (2018) El desafío de la baja fecundidad en España. Informe España 2018. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 165-228.
Fernández-Reino, Mariña, Jonas Radl & María Ramos (2018): “Employment Outcomes of Ethnic Minorities in Spain: Towards Increasing Economic Incorporation among Immigrants and the Second Generation?”, Social Inclusion, 6(3): 48–63
Heisig, Jan Paul, Bram Lancee & Jonas Radl (2018): “Ethnic Inequality in Retirement Income: A Comparative Analysis of Immigrant-Native Gaps in Western Europe”, Ageing & Society, 38(10): 1963-1994. doi:
Henkens, Kène; Harry van Dalen; David Ekerdt; Douglas Hershey; Martin Hyde; Jonas Radl; Hanna van Solinge; Mo Wang; Hannes Zacher (2018): “What We Need to Know about Retirement: Pressing Issues for the Coming Decade”. The Gerontologist, 58(5): 805–812. [Download] (*)
Laplante, Benoît, Castro-Martín, Teresa and Cortina, Clara (2018). Change and continuity in the fertility of unpartnered women in Latin America, 1980–2010 (2018). Demographic Research 38-51: 1577-1604.
López Colás, J. et Zamora López, F. (2018). La crise actuelle en Espagne: Conséquences sur les tendances démographiques et les politiques sociales, in Golaz, V., Lefèvre, C, et Véron, J, (sous la direction de), La crise dix ans après. Documents de Travail 239. Institut National d'Études Démographiques, Paris.
Montero López, M. P., Mora-Urda, A. I., Mill, J. G., Silva, A. B., Santos Batista, M., & B Molina, M. D. C. (2018). Arterial Stiffness and Blood Pressure in a Multicultural Child Sample (Angola, Brazil, and Spain). American journal of hypertension, 32(3), 265-271.